BarberQue Feedback
In all, BarberQue gave 70 haircuts and served over 300 people. Afterwards, we asked volunteers for feedback. This is some of what we heard: Did BarberQue change any preconceptions that you had, or challenge any stereotypes? “Yes, I still found myself not being very trusting of people, and I denied a guy shirt because I […]
BarberQue 2016
Held in Kells Park at the corner of Kedzie and Chicago Avenues, BarberQue set out to provide resources to a marginalized and often alienated group of people, create awareness around the issue of homelessness in Chicago, and build a community of acceptance and support. A play on the words “barber” and “barbecue”, the event featured […]
Thinking Bigger
The past few weeks have honestly been a bit of a whirlwind for Nate, Megan and I. I do not think any of us anticipated the incredible show of support and enthusiasm our combined community has shown for this event. It has truly been eye, and heart, opening. Since we announced the event, we have […]
BarberQue’s Origin Story
Listen to Nate talk about how the idea behind BarberQue was born.